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19.05.2011, 09:37
Предлагаю: Hum to chale pardesi / Ravindra Peepat / 1988 / VCD
Hum to chale pardes
Год выпуска: 1988
Страна: Индия
Жанр: Мелодрама
Перевод: Отсутствует
Русские субтитры: Отсутствуют
Формат: VCD
Режиссер: Ravindra Peepat
В ролях: Мандакини, Раджив Капур, Шаши Капур, Кхулбхушан Кхарбанда, Шармила Тагор, Аша Парекх и др.
Описание: Kumar and Suman have been married for many years, but do not have any children. When Suman does get pregnant, gives birth to a baby girl, but is not expected to live, on her deathbed she asks Kumar to promise that he will take good care of their daughter, never re-marry, and after Kumar promises, she passes away. Kumar names his daughter Priya and grows very attached to her. Years later, Priya has grown up and there is a strong bond between father and daughter. She is now of marriageable age, and her marriage is arranged to London-based Ajay Mehra, her childhood sweetheart. The marriage is only allowed to take place after Ajay and his mom, Anu, promise to re-locate and settle in India. After the marriage takes place, neither Priya and Kumar are able to stay away from each other, leading to bitterness in the Mehra family, which results in Kumar asking Priya not to come to his house anymore..
Последний раз редактировалось Nilda; 19.05.2011 в 11:37..
Причина: Удалено русское название, так как фильм не выходил с переводом
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