Героический конец (Мученичество) / Veergati
Год выпуска: 1995
Режиссер: К.К. Синх
В ролях: Салман Кхан, Атул Агнихотри, Дивья Датта, Фарида Джалал и др.
Содержание: Orphaned and abandoned at birth, Ajay, has a very cynical view of the world, and is unable to secure employment. He does find some work at a hospital, but is angered at the manner in which the doctors and staff treat corpses, often releasing them to the next of kin for a price. Needless to state, he soon gets fired. He attempts to help his friend, Sulokh, get married to Pooja, who is the daughter of a wealthy industrialist. He does succeed in getting Sulokh to meet Pooja's dad, and assuring him that Sulokh will be rich soon. Ajay then goes gambling, and wins a lot of dough so that Sulokh and Pooja can start their lives, but is shunned by Sulokh's mother, and asked to leave. His guardian, Havaldar, finds out about his gambling bout, which has angered local gangsters, and beats him severelly, and asks him to go live elsewhere. Homeless, poor, hungry, and with angry gangsters on his tail, Ajay has virtually nowhere to run, and he knows that his time is running out
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