PreDVD / PreDVDRip фильмы без перевода в PreDVD / PreDVDRip |
16.04.2013, 20:50
Mumbai Mirror / Анкуш Бхатт / 2013 / HDWebRip (Upscaled) / 720p / Без перевода
Mumbai Mirror
Год выпуска: 2013
Страна: Индия
Жанр: Боевик
Продолжительность: 02:11:47
Перевод: Отсутствует
Русские субтитры: Отсутствуют
Другие субтитры: Английские
Режиссер: Анкуш Бхатт
В ролях: Раджа Бхервани, Раджендра Чавла, Сачин Джоши, Гихани Кхан, Махеш Манджрекар, Прашант Нараян, Адитья Панчоли, Пракаш Радж, Вимала Менон, Гопал Сингх
Описание: Описание на английском
Mumbai Mirrorв is a cop-drama film, which with its unique screenplay also manages to fall in the genres of suspense and action. The protagonist of the film is Abhijeet Patil, a police officer; and the film revolves around the rise and falls of his life.
Being a police officer in this big-bad city called Mumbai can be quite some task. Mumbai, contrary to the other parts of the country, works on its own unique little philosophy. People here are the most ambitious and the risks taken for the fulfillment of the same are the most dangerous. Everybody who comes here, starts running for an unknown race, and each one aspires to win it. This film predominantly captures this struggle for the survival of the fittest.
When Abhijeet sets out in the beginning of the film, he is one of the best cops, handling an important mission involving drug dealing and being successful in completing it with ease. But as the film progresses we see him rubbing the wrong people on the wrong sides. He messes up with a very powerful man called Shetty, who runs innumerous illegal bars and is involved in drug mafia. Little did he know then, that trying to fool him, could end up being his most foolish mistake. He gets entangled in the hard core drug circuit, where most of his seniors are involved and ends up getting for him a termination from the job.
Abhijeet on one hand is a no-nonsense cop, not allowing illegal activities to run in his territories, but on the other hand, is a notorious cop who does constant cricket betting and later even gets caught up in a severe drug addiction. Abhijeet arrests Shetty, who runs illegal activities. While Shetty is out for revenge, Durrani, who heads the betting mafia, is also out there for recovery of his payments.
After the termination, the series of destructing and humiliating experiences that follow leave Abhijeet worried and broken. That's when his loved ones come to his rescue, help him get out of this situation and have a probable fight back.
People and their reach or influences are unpredictable. This is one other factor that gets exposed through the layers of the film, as the screenplay progresses. When Abhijeet starts investigating one of his colleagues murder, a completely new racket comes out in open.
As the movie progresses, Abhijeet learns to play his cards wisely and thus changes the game.
Качество: HDWebRip (Upscaled)
Формат: MPEG-4
Видео кодек: AVC
Размер кадра: 1280x544 pixel
Частота кадра: 25 fps
Видео битрейт: 1628 kbps
Аудио кодек: AAC
Частота дискретизации: 44.1 kHz
Каналы: 2.0 (stereo)
Аудио битрейт: 64 kbps
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