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Старый 21.09.2009, 14:08   #1
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Dvd5 Клянусь именем Ганги / Ganga Ki Saugand / Султан Ахмед / 1978 / DVD5 / Без перевода

Ganga Ki Saugand

Год выпуска: 1978
Страна: Индия
Жанр: Боевик
Продолжительность: 02:26:00
Перевод: Отсутствует
Русские субтитры: Отсутствуют
Другие субтитры: Английские

Режиссер: Султан Ахмед

В ролях: Амитабх Баччан, Рекха, Амджад Кхан, Бинду, И.С. Джохар, Анвар Хуссейн, Фарида Джалал, Ифтекхар, Джагдип, Анджу Махендру, Пран, Дживан, Нана Палсикар, Ачала Сачдев, Сулочана Латкар, Сатьендра Капур

Описание: Thakur Jaswant Singh rules over the region with a iron hand. He has no pity or empathy for the poor, all he is interested in is their money, their women, and alcohol. After the passing away of his dad, he assumes total control over the region, and increases the taxes. One day while walking across the hallway, he trips over the wet floor, and falls down. He gets up angrily and assaults the old woman, Ramvati, who was washing the floor. His abuse is interrupted by the arrival of Ramvati's son, Jeeva, who intervenes. Jaswant is ready to shoot him down, but Jaswant's mom prevents him from doing so. Word gets around that Jeeva is in the bad books of the Thakur, and soon a number of people start consipiring against Jeeva. The next day Jeeva is summoned before the village council and asked to explain his involvement in the death of a cow. Jeeva has no satisfactory explanation, and he is asked to leave the village immediately with his mother. Jeeva refuses to do so, and is severely beaten, and thrown out. Shortly thereafter his mother passes away, and Jeeva decides to avenge her death by bringing about the downfall of Jaswant Singh. In order to do this, he becomes a dacait. Jeeva swears on the holy river Ganga to wipe out Jaswant Singh and his men, without knowing his decision will bring him into conflict with the police, and with the honest people from the very community he was exiled

Качество: DVD5
Формат: DVD Video

Видео кодек: MPEG2
Размер кадра: 704х528 pixel
Частота кадра: 29.97 fps
Видео битрейт: 4821 kbps

Аудио кодек: AC3
Частота дискретизации: 48 kHz
Каналы: 5.1 (6 ch)
Аудио битрейт: 384 kbps

DVDRip / Rus Sub
DVD9 6.49 Гб без перевода

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Тип файла: torrent Ganga.ki.saugand.1978.DVD5.torrent (22.7 Кб, 57 просмотров)

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